Over the years, cannabidiol, also known as CBD, has been hailed for its numerous health advantages.

It has become a popular choice for alternative treatments, aiding with everything from anxiety and sleep problems to pain reduction.
Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Trusted Source recognizes the interest in cannabis (and CBD in particular), it nevertheless emphasizes the need for additional research. And only one CBD-based prescription medication for the treatment of epilepsy has received FDA approval thus far.
This implies that none of the CBD products you purchase over the counter (OTC) have the FDA's approval.
For this reason, take your time while selecting a CBD product, whether it be full-spectrum or broad-spectrum. Before making your decision, consider the following.
Full-Spectrum vs. Broad-Spectrum CBD
Three types of CBD products are available: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and CBD isolate.
Full-spectrum CBD Tetrahydrocannabinol is present in trace amounts in full-spectrum CBD, along with other cannabis plant constituents (THC). Less than 0.3 percent THC is always allowed in federally legal full-spectrum products. You might even be able to purchase full-spectrum products with higher THC levels in places where cannabis is entirely legal.
CBD with a broad spectrum. THC is absent from this kind of CBD. It won't be 100 percent CBD, but it does contain other elements of the cannabis plant. CBD isolate is the middle child among the three CBD options. Besides the CBD itself, your pure CBD product, isolate, doesn't include any other cannabis-related chemicals.
Full-spectrum CBD's benefits and drawbacks
You'll experience what is known as the entourage effect when you use full-spectrum CBD, which is one of its most significant advantages. According to this idea, ingesting various cannabis constituents together results in more essential health benefits than taking them separately. Some of these components are:
Cannabinoids such as CBD and THC
Terpenes (chemicals that impact the flavor and aroma of cannabis);
Full-spectrum CBD might be your best option to get the most out of cannabis.
According to a 2011 review by Trusted Source, combining terpenes and phytocannabinoids may reduce anxiety, inflammation, and discomfort. According to researchers, the most promising treatment for various skin and brain problems is CBD.
Full-spectrum CBD does have a possible drawback, though: if you consume a sufficiently big dose of a potent enough product, the THC may cause you to experience a "high."
However, it does not follow that all full-spectrum products would give you a drunken feeling. It's unlikely that using goods with lesser potencies in small doses will have any euphoric effects.
Last but not least, given that full-spectrum products contain THC, there is a chance that you will test positive for cannabis if you take a drug test.

Pros and Cons with Broad Spectrum
One benefit of broad-spectrum CBD is that you can maintain mental clarity because there is no THC to cause a "high" feeling.
However, CBD without THC is not as effective when combined. The entourage effect implies they might function best together, but more research is required.
This is not mean that you won't receive any entourage effect benefits from broad-spectrum products. Broad-spectrum Other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids included in CBD may have advantages over CBD alone.
CBD on a Drug Test
Any CBD product you purchase, especially broad-spectrum, may include trace quantities of THC because it is not regulated the same way as medications or dietary supplements. You might wish to avoid CBD products altogether if you are subjected to drug testing.
Which CBD product is best for you?
Broad-spectrum is probably your best option if you want to get CBD's health benefits without the THC's psychoactive effects.
Full-spectrum is undoubtedly the best option if you don't mind THC and want to gain additional benefits from your CBD product.
What about isolates of CBD?
The purest form of CBD is CBD isolate, devoid of any additional cannabinoids or cannabis plant substances. Therefore, there is no opportunity of taking advantage of the entourage effect. However, some studies indicate that CBD isolation might have certain benefits.
Isolates typically lack flavor and odor unless you're looking for flavored goods. They are, therefore, a suitable option for those who dislike the earthy flavor of regular CBD.
If you wish to eliminate THC, products created with CBD isolate can be a viable choice.
What does research on CBD say?
Although many claims are made regarding the advantages of CBD, few clinical trials are available. Scientific data currently supports the health advantages in these fields. Apart from seizures, keep in mind that all of these are off-label usage. The only CBD product available on prescription is Epidiolex.

An analysis of studies conducted between 1975 and the beginning of 2018 on CBD concluded that cannabis, including both CBD and THC, has demonstrated some pain-relieving properties in animal trials.
However, more research is needed on CBD's ability to treat pain in humans.
In a short study of individuals with chronic pain, released in 2019, it was discovered that CBD lowered opiate consumption and reduced discomfort. The ability of CBD to lessen opiate cravings was supported by a second study published in 2019 by Trusted Source. It involved people who were drug-free yet had a heroin use disorder.
A 2018 study on humans with osteoarthritis discovered that taking 250 milligrams (mg) of CBD daily resulted in a statistically significant decrease in knee pain compared to taking a placebo. In this trial, a transdermal patch containing artificial CBD gel was used to deliver CBD daily.
Sativex, a drug that contains both THC and CBD and is not authorized for use in the United States, was proven beneficial in reducing pain in preliminary research involving 75 persons with rheumatoid arthritis.

Anxiety and Depression
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) and post-traumatic stress disorder are two types of anxiety that CBD may ease (PTSD).
Two research, one from 2011 and the other from 2019 Trusted Source, discovered that CBD helped persons with SAD lower their anxiety levels, and several studies have demonstrated that CBD can help with PTSD-specific symptoms.
Since CBD may lower anxiety and pain symptoms, according to a study, it may enhance the quality of your sleep if such problems keep you up at night.

Epidiolex, a CBD-based medication from Trusted Source, has received FDA approval to treat the uncommon epilepsy conditions Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome. Adults and children over one can use it to treat ailments.
Are particular CBD products superior for specific applications?

According to ongoing studies, both full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD may benefit particular disorders. Full-spectrum CBD might be most suited for diseases like chronic pain or anxiety since this may be because of the entourage effect.
There might be situations where someone would prefer to avoid THC altogether. Broad-spectrum CBD products will still provide the majority of the cannabinoids and chemicals found in the cannabis plant naturally in that situation.
Remember that utilizing CBD is a learning process, including trial and error. Investigate full-spectrum and broad-spectrum products to determine what works best for you.